Leeds unveils new logo and slogan to put the city ‘on the world stage’

The city of Leeds has unveiled a new brand banner – “Leeds Live it Love it” – designed by creative agency England, and unveiled at a special ceremony in the city this week.

The new logo and slogan comes a year after the creation of Marketing Leeds, the city’s first destination marketing organisation, with a brief to attract visitors, businesses, residents and students to the city.

As part of the initiative, banners emblazoned with the slogan have gone up around the city, and a promotional film has been made to be shown on public broadcast television across the UK.

The film features local celebrities, including Michael Vaughan, Patsy Kensit and the band Kaiser Chiefs.

A Leeds Live it Love it website will launch next month along with a Marketing Leeds site.

The new branding is designed to increase Leeds’ profile and attract more business and leisure visitors to the city. Promotional deals have been signed with airlines bmi and Jet2.

Jan Fletcher, a Leeds businesswoman and chairman of Marketing Leeds, says: “Leeds is already a hugely successful city. The challenge for Marketing Leeds is to harness this widespread affection and ensure that the city takes its place on the world stage.”

Kevin Johnson, former commercial director of the Millennium Dome and marketing director of the British Tourist Authority – now VisitBritain, was appointed chief executive of Marketing Leeds in June this year (MW June 9).


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